Thursday 17 September 2009

A Random Collection Of Some Of My Works

47 is a take from a book i was studying from, i loved his drawing so much i drew it myself. Even though it's one of the major rules in art is to never copy a drawing, i decided i loved it so much i did my own. one of my favs but i in no way take credit for this one as it was based on an original work by a super artist far classier than myself.

This remains to be my only venture into charcoal, it's an extreamly difficult medium to master or even get used to. but i managed to pull this off but NEVER AGAIN!

A fair reflexion of my teenage years.

This is done in Graphite, took about an hour to do, it's just one of those ones that come screaming out from the back of my head. this is probably the latest one i've done. not a bad note to end on i guess. it's def a fav of mine, infact. I'm always asked, '' who's the girl, did she sit for you ? '' sadly no, if she did do you think i'd have gotten round to drawing her ?

This was done by request from a dear friend of mine. i enjoyed doing this one as it's one of my rare ventures into colour ( oil painting ) in this one. a fun topic aswell but again a pretty old one.

Now, i could talk all night on this one, sheeee is '' ivory '' don't ask why, its the name that came into my head. this is the first thing i done when i left college. i finnished this at about 4am after 3 months of gradually putting it together using single dots from a pen. she remains to be my masterpiece, i am mainly self taught and when i knocked this one out, it was really the catalyst for me to continue my art. this one hangs on my wall and whenever i get the Artists version of writers block, i just look at her and i believe in myself a bit more.

She again is made from single dots, but she was done during college, i spent ages just adding little dots on her to the extent the tutor had to take my pad off me so the class could move onto fabric design. this isn't the best i've done and it's actually a very small piece in life. but it always reminds me of happy days, so she is another of my favs.

Again from my teenage years, just a rebel rockchick. she speaks for herself really.

Another ancient college piece, the challenge was to use nothing but it required pure concentration. during college i was probably about 17 years old, and i remember at the time i as living on 2 hrs sleep a night, so when i look back on this stuff i fail to see how the hell i manage to get anything half decent done.

I'll be sure to post more of my art as time goes on. But there is so much going on right now so it may be a while.